
Past Winners of the bpNichol Chapbook Award

2023: glass / language / untitled / exaltation, Jason Christie (above/ground press)

2022: Last, Arleen Paré (Baseline Press)

2021: It Was Treaty/It Was Me, Matthew James Weigel (Vallum Magazine)

2020: Remitting, Nisa Malli (Baseline Press)

2019: A God Dance in Human Cloth, NASRA (Glass Buffalo Press); How Not to Spill, Jessica Johns (Rahila’s Ghost Press)

2018: Reunions in the Year of the Sheep, Chuqiao Yang (Baseline Press)

2017: Anima Canadensis, Sonnet L’Abbé (Junction Books)

2016: Small Waterways, Nelson Ball (Apt. 9 Press)

2015: Of Beings Alone: The Eigenface, Lissa Wolsak (Nomados Press)

2014: Oilywood, Christine Leclerc (Nomados Press)

2013: Ordinary Time: The Merton Lake Papers, Gil McElroy (Baseline Press); Naturally Speaking, Sandra Alland (paperplates/espresso press)

2012: Mimic, Adrienne Gruber (Leaf Press)

2011: Accidentals, Claudia Coutu Radmore (Apt. 9 Press)

2010: You have hair like flags, Alisha Piercy (Your Lips to Mine Press)

2009: Inverting the Deer, Gary Barwin (serif of nottingham); Lift: Ghazals for C, Sandra Ridley (Jack Pine Press)

2008: Lack Lyrics, Jay Millar (Bookthug); Quantum Chaos & Poems, Clara Benson (Bookthug)

2007: Hazard, Jake Kennedy (Bookthug) 

2006: Pliny’s Knickers, Steven Ross Smith & Hilary Clark (writers), Betsy Rosenwald (art and design) (Jackpine Press)

2005: Rousseau’s Boat, Lisa Robertson (Nomados Press)

2004: as lit x: the syntax of adoration, Susan Clark (Friends of Runcible Mountain); Bolivia/Peru, Barry McKinnon (Gorse Press)

2003: Imagines Lantzville, Allan Brown (Leaf Press); 12 Bars, Stan Dragland (Running the Goat Press)

2002: The New World and Finding It, Robert Kroetsch (Mother Tongue Press)

2001: The Sapphire Morpho, M. W. Field

2000: Buri Frau Rontgen’s Hand, Hilary Mosher (Outlaw Editions)

1999: Alphabetical, P. K. Page (Published for the Hawthorne Society by Reference West)

1998: More Excess, Nicole Markotić

1997: Liner (coauthored with Joshua Lovelace) and Manual for Beginners (coauthored with Yvette Poorter), Lance Blomgren (Intrepid Tourist Press)

1996: A Boy Named, Janice Williamson

1995: Arrythmia, Barry McKinnon (Gorse Press)

1994: Organon Vocis Organalis: bk.II of Aerial Sonography, Mathew Remski

1993: Do Sink, George Bowering (Pomflit)

1992: Quarters, George Bowering (Gorse Press); Morning Glory, Theresa Kishkan (Reference West)

1991: In The Small Hours of The Rain, Susan Musgrave (Reference West)

1990: Q H S, Mary Howes

1989: Additives, Paul Dutton (Imprimerie Dromadaire)

1988: The Faerie Queen and the Park, Robin Blaser (Fissure Press); Sous La Langue/Under Tongue, Nicole Brossard (Gynery Books)

1987: The Natural History of Water, a close reading, David Donnell (Shaw Street Press)

1986: The Mac Bolan Poems, Mark Laba (Gesture Press)